Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stories and Thoughts

The best stories are those that teach us about ourselves. Wars may rage, and darkness may lash out in anger, but good men rise up, and the dawn eventually comes. We each face private tragedies, and there are times when all seems lost. Yet, there comes through the dissonance and doubt a heavenly melody. Underneath the chaos, behind the swirling mists, beyond and above all things, there is God, and His love. There are so many things that I do not understand. There are nights when I feel alone, and insufficient. In dark moments I am afraid to ask questions too loudly, because of how painful the answers might be.
Somehow, in those seasons of fear I begin to see and hear the world around me come alive. The clamor of doubt is suddenly hushed with the gentle song of a bird, or the elegant grace of a newborn flower, or perhaps with the reverent peace that clings to mountaintops. A quiet word, a kindly voice, a page filled with printed perspective and wisdom.
Praise be to God for the Gift of His Son. The Divine Emmanuel. Surely the Lord is the Prince of Peace, who's arm is stretched out unto all nations. Lo, He came into the world, that through Him it might be saved, that men might not perish. I know that there are many good people, and many good things in this world that do not claim Christ. I know that had I been born in another time, or to another family, or in a different country, that I might believe differently then I do. I understand that every religion has always thought it was true, and that the people who believed so did so sincerely. I understand that it is an awfully bold thing for any intelligent or educated man to claim that their faith is the truth in its fullness, universal and unending.
But I do know that my faith is my own. I know that it has always lead me towards goodness and light. I know that it has strengthened me in my trials. I know that I have felt and heard and seen and done things that no earthly power can explain. And I know in my heart that all that I hope for and in is not just some story. It is true. I can love the rest of my brothers and sisters, and the beautiful things that lead them to greater light, but that does not mean that I must forget my own. Nor does it mean that there is no real light. It means that I am blessed beyond my ability to comprehend.
I bear witness that God lives, and that He loves His children. I know that He has blessed them with truth throughout time, in whatever measure they where ready for. He has always called prophets and revealed scripture in order to teach mankind of His divine plan of happiness. To those who have lived outside of the reach of a prophet's voice he has given light enough to live lives full of faith and honest goodness. Over two thousand years ago He sent His son to Earth in order to provide all of His children with a way to overcome sin through repentance and death through resurrection. His Son, Jesus Christ, lived a life of perfect goodness, and spent His days teaching and blessing all those around Him. In order to fulfill His Father's plan, He suffered the unimaginable weight of the sins and pains and trials of every human heart. He allowed His enemies to take his life, and surrendered willingly because of His great love for each of us. He sacrificed everything in order to save us from the darkness of this world, and the darkness that lies within each of us. Because He was the Son of God, and had lived a life free from sin, He had power even over death, and three days after He was crucified His body and spirit where united in a glorious Resurrection, never again to be parted by death or saddened by sickness or pain. In Him the death that mankind inherited from mortality is swallowed up, ensuring that every person that has ever lived, will live again forever. Through this great Atonement of Christ, all men may be saved through obedience to the laws and ordinances of His Gospel. They can overcome temptation, and become clean and pure.

I know these things and many others, because of the power of the Holy Ghost. I have felt the quiet peace and understanding that comes from learning truth. I love the Lord, and know in my heart that despite my many failings that I am the son of a loving Father in Heaven who has a plan for me, and for everyone else. He wants for us to be happy, and watches over each of us.

I know that everyone who reads this might not share my faith. I hope that any who do know that I don't think of myself, or even my people, as better than anyone else. We are all children of the same God. We are all looking for the same things in life, and doing the best that we know how. I do not think any man can read the Bible with an open mind and come away feeling like Jesus wanted them to exclude or belittle anybody. As a simple man, seeking to follow Him, I take these words very seriously. "By this shall men know ye are my deciples, if ye have love, one to another."

Bryon Davis

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